
5 Safety Tips for Driving Trucks in Cold Weather

By September 18, 2019 April 20th, 2020 No Comments

As summer fades and the weather gets cooler, it means we say goodbye summer and hello fall.

At Powerline, we take truck safety seriously all year round, but especially as the seasons change.

Now that the fall season is upon us, we’ve compiled a list of safety tips for professional truck drivers when it comes to preparing and driving your trucks this season. 

Watch for fallen leaves and branches on the road

Be aware of distractions on the road when leaves (and twigs and branches!) are consistently falling. Leaves, in particular, can be dangerous after it rains. This is because they can stick to the road and cause wet or slippery driving conditions. If you see leaf patches on the road, remember to drive slow and avoid sudden braking or swerving. 

Shorter days and longer nights mean darker driving conditions

As we move into the fall season, we start to experience shorter days and longer nights. This means less daylight with more travelling in dark hours. It’s no secret that nighttime driving is more dangerous, so this is a friendly reminder to act on your nighttime driving skills. Ensure your lights are operational before every trip and that your headlights are in top condition. Increase your following distance and keep a safe distance between you and other vehicles. Don’t forget to check your mirrors more frequently and be sure to keep them clean and spotless! 

Keep an eye out for tractors as harvest season is in full swing

Fall is harvest season across Canada and the United States and farmers will be gearing up for their annual harvest. This means more tractors, combines, and trucks on the roads. Remember that tractors move extremely slowly! You should only pass when it is safe to do so, and when there is no other traffic present. We understand it can sometimes be a nuisance to be stuck behind a slow-moving tractor but waiting is worth it to ensure the safety of yourself and others on the road. 

Stay alert for animals and wildlife – especially deer!

Did you know that deer are most active during the fall season? They are especially active during dawn and dusk when out looking for food. Deer are herd animals, so if you see one, be aware that there maybe more. Pay attention to and look out for deer crossing signs. If you happen to see a deer or animal on the road, try your best not to swerve. It’s safest to keep your truck straight and brake while staying in control to cause the least amount of damage. 

Winter is just around the corner so start to prepare for cold and icy conditions

It might not feel like it just yet but in a few weeks we’ll all start to feel the chill of winter! It’s better to start preparing for the winter weather before an early frost or snowfall surprises us all. Be sure to prepare for icy conditions in addition to wet leaves from fall. We highly suggest referring to your truck maintenance schedule to make sure that your truck is ready for winter!